Transportation in Europe

Trains are generally an expensive way to travel. The regular fares are measured by distance travelled, the longer the distance travelled the higher the price. (And the distances you want to travel are not exactly very short.)

There are special deals for train travel, but you need to book in advance over the internet. Availablity is very limited too. For trains going to and leaving Germany look at, for trains to and from the Netherlands see and for trains to and from France see has the best website for searching train schedules all over Europe, use it to find out whether there is a train going when and where you want it.

If you cannot find a price for an international train ticket online, try - it is very good with estimates.

Considering the distances involved also look at flights. I can recommend the websites and

For bus see

Finally, look at a Eurail pass. This seems to be the best way to combine all the cities you want by train.

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